You have failed to address any of the points brought up, instead pointing out other instances of racist behavior as if this somehow justifies more racism.
I wasn't trying justify racism. I said that we should eliminate all kinds of affirmative action, including the examples i provided. Are you saying such things don't occur? Are you just for the elimination of affirmative action that benefits nonwhites? I hope not. I just think that it is strange that for many white people, the only form of discrimination that they acknowledge is the kind that they don't benefit from.
For example:
i love when people cite traffic violations as racism. Have you ever tried driving at night and be able to tell if its a white guy, a mexican, and indian, a black guy, etc? Its pretty damned difficult. From behind, beleive it or not, our heads all pretty much look the same. Now, go 5,6,7 or so carlengths back, where they usually are when they flip on the lights. Try it some night then tell me its blatand discrimination. Plus how do you know whites are more likely to break teh law? Because they said so in a poll? Maybe they do, and maybe they are smart enough to look around and not get caught when they do it.
In minneapolis, a report was just released by The Council on Crime and Justice and The Institute on Race & Poverty of the University of Minnesota Law School.
If that link doesn't work, type "racial profiling in minneapolis" into google and you'll find it.
The study concludes that minneapolis police stop black and latino drivers at rates significantly higher than expected based on their proportion of the city's driving age population. They stopped american indian, asian and whites less than expected. Discretionary search rates were twice as high for latino, black, and american indian drivers than they were for whites, despite the fact that minneapolis police were more likely to find contraband during discretionary searches of white drives than any other race/ethnicity.
Now, i guess maybe a lot of people were already suspicious that this kind've stuff has been going on for a while, but many people, such as peryn, can't understand why anyone would think the cops might be racist. I just think it is ironic that the same people who cry foul when it comes to affimative action are afraid to acknowledge that the playing field isn't level. Or maybe us white folk are just "smart enough" to not get caught. I love the implication in that sentence.
Are you satisfied now with my points?