Boondock Saints was fun, but definitely not a good movie. The best thing about it was Willem Dafoe's creepy character.
Goodfellas is far overrated. Watch the first half and then just shut it off.
Heat has the worst ending to any great film. *Spoiler here. Skip down to the next paragraph. Robert DeNiro's character talks about walking away at any time, no matter what the cost, during the
entire movie. So what happens at the end? He's got the money, he's got the girl. He's getting away. Then for no reason at all, his character does a complete 180. He turns back to take revenge and gets killed. Bah! I can't watch the ending ever again. It ruins the movie.
Saving Private Ryan. Uh. Nice battle scenes. That's about it. The story was corny. The ending was blah. Anyone see >
When Trumpets Fade < ?
Bram Stoker's Dracula is a great film.
Waterworld and The Postman are going to become cult classics like Blade Runner.
American Pie series... some funny parts, but if I want to see a comedy with titties, I'll watch Showgirls instead.