Fruit or Vegetable?
Okay, so I learned today that pumpkins (or any kind of squash) are actually fruits, not vegetables. For some reason I've always thought of them as vegetables. Then I was reminded of the trick that I use to tell vegetable from fruit: if it has a seed in it, then it's a fruit. If not, then it's a vegetable. Is this accurate?
pomegranate = fruit
avocado = fruit
potato = vegetable(?)
radish = vegetable
So would a tomato be a fruit or vegetable?
How about coconuts? Would this be a fruit? vegetable? nut? or what? (heh, that rhymed)
There must be a better way to go about this. Know any tips?
"inhuman fiery goat worship" is an anagram for "information superhighway" -kingvolc