Originally posted by Moobie
There is actually less reason for humans to enslave the machines than there is for the machines to enslave humans. And right now there's very little reason for the machines to be enslaving the humans as it is.
Using people as batteries is a terrible reason, I cannot accept that.
My only hope is that Revolutions explains the "real" reason for the Matrix. I don't care if the fight scenes are cool or what happens in the story. I would accept everyone dieing at the end or even some sort of human/machine treaty, I don't care, just as long as they give reason for the Matrix.
It doesn't make sense that the brothers would go to such trouble to create an entire world...and make such a stupid mistake! Despite it being physically impossible to generate electricity from humans, Morpheus also mentions that the amchines also have fusion power. god-damn! Why go the the trouble of the matrix then...? Just make a huge fusion reactor. Problem solved!
Hopefully, revolutions will explain the REAL reason. Bear in mind, that it was Morpheus who told us/neo the purpose of the matrix...and as we now know, Morpheus is far from infallible!
Two possibilities:
1: After seeing "The New-Renassaince", it strikes me that a possibility is that the machines simply decidied that they couldn't hope to survive on a planet that was inhabited by humans...humans are after all so totally destructive. But rather than kill them off, they decided to do the "humane" thing, and merely incapasitate them. Placing them in the matrix would allow them to live their lives normally, without posing a danger to the machines. I believe, even King Solomon himself could not have come up with a better solution to the problem of the humans wanting to destroy the machines!
This is also backed up by the claim made by both Agent Smith and The Architect that the first version of the matrix was a "happy place".
2: The Matirx is a zoo. The machines have surpassed humans in almost all ways. They were created by man, and now they have surpassed man. But there seems to be something
different about humans. Perhaps the Matrix is some sort of experiment, by the machines, to try to understand their creators. What are emotions such as "love" and "fear" etc? What is "music" and "art"? Why the self destructive tendancies? What is "free will" and "choice"? Backed up by Agent Smith reffering to the Matirx as a "zoo", and the fact that "the mother of the matrix" (the oracle?) was created to study human emotion.
I am going to be righteously pissed off if Revolutions is anythign less than amazing!