Underworld disappoints.
There are a couple threads back from when this was in the trailers, but I haven't seen one about the movie proper yet.
Saw it last night. The movie starts strong, decent effects, solid gunfighting, Beckinsale is hotness in her outfits. Then Kraven appears. Shane Brolly is one of the worst actors I've ever seen, and he sets the tone for the movie's demise. Accents come and go, fights begin to become ridiculous, enter the "Romeo and Juliet" aspect of the film. Various "plot twists" are thrown into the mix, everyone gears up for the massive war, more disappointing fights, end(I'm trying to keep this spoiler free).
I give it 5.5/10, only because it had some moments of decent direction, Beckinsale, and the less-hamhanded-than-usual handling of the topic. Anyone else?
it's quiet in here