I apologize for deviating from the form given, but I found it necessary.
#1. Read Thraeryn's post. It covers the form given.
#2. End the "war" on drugs. Save tons 'o $$$$ and resources. If a small percentage of people want to rot their brains and die, it will thin and strengthen the herd.
#3. Pardon everyone jailed for consensual and drug crimes. Use the space to contain those that hurt and rob others for whatever reason and don't let them go early, or at all, depending on the case.
#4. I've got a 1928 $5 bill that has "United States Note" written at the top of it. Make the rest of our currency the same. Follow Article 1, section 8, clause 5 of the US Constitution and have congress: coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures. That way "We the People" have a say through our vote.
#5. Use technology to develop public transportation to move people safely from point A to B without the use of Dinosaur remains. That way we can care so much less about the middle east and all the hassle that whole mess is.