i've been doing martial arts for 12+ years, teaching for 1/3 of that, little kids included. this is what i think.
Remeber this is mostly for a 5 year old. I'm just along for the ride.
since its mostly for a small child, i'd suggest tae kwon do (or possibly a form of karate, depends on the school really). most tkd schools have a tendancy to be similar (most have a membership to an organization that trains them in marketing and how to do other things along those lines) so i can relatively safely say that they will do the best job with a small child. tkd is simple. it also does a good job keeping kids occupied, moving, and motovated. if you or your child ever get really serious in martial arts, you might want to consider branching elsewhere. but until then, tkd is a fine solution for you both, given the circumstances. (and i'm <i>sure</i> there's a tkd school somewhere in your area. i call them mcdojos)