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Old 09-25-2003, 03:31 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: Wandering in the Desert of Life
You have just been elected President of the United States. You have a diverse administration that suggests multiple possibilities for everything. Ultimately the decisions are yours alone to make. Here are the issues what are you going to do. These are general areas so please touch on any issue within them. If your staff missed any feel free to include such issues. It’s up to you Mr. President, tell us how it’s going to be done.

ECONOMY: Work to repeal much of the Bush tax cuts, primarily those given to the top tier tax bracket and the dividend tax cuts. Instigate a bipartisan top-down review of government spending (this may take years, but it is necessary) and have them make concrete recommendations in regards to waste (to be comprised of non-office holders). Invest money recovered from the tax repeal into funding the numerous non-funded federal mandates that bog down state governments and make payments towards reducing the deficit.

With the reality of multi-front wars and global terrorism, national defense must be a priority. The military must be a mobile and fast acting with the ability to deploy anywhere in the world in short order. We now have a professional/volunteer army, and we must try to encourage our best and brightest to join. It needs to be a career that pays well (not excessive, but my bro is approaching 20 years and only recently broke the $30K/yr mark.) and offers great possibilities for the future (i.e. FREE college tuition, etc.) The armed forces must be the strongest and most technologically advanced in the world, and this is only attainable by continuing the current funding levels and considering increasing them as the economy improves. We must also look to creating a division of the Armed Services that is trained in police actions and nation building, something that the current army is struggling with.

Social security is a hot spot. Frankly, Gore had it right, we need to lock that money up and throw away the key. As long a Congress has access to those funds, they will continue to “borrow” i.e. steal from the Social Security fund. In addition, Congress needs to look at increasing the amount allowed to be invested in Roth IRAs and to look at other low or non-taxable investment tools for the public. Companies should also be given tax breaks for matching employee donations to 401k’s. We also need to look at how we pay out Social Security money, but this is a long and complicated subject.

FOREIGN POLICY: (including hotspots Iraq, N Korea, etc) Diplomacy will be the foundation of my foreign policy, which will include a return to a respected position in the international community and the U.N.
Iraq is a problem that we now own. It would be foolish and irresponsible to rush out of there before the situation is stabilized. I would however, send a signal to the world community, that U.S. policy has returned to that of the Pre-Bush era, and that we look forward to working together to strengthen international peace and prosperity. I would personally meet with the leaders of the Security Council nations and assure them that we are indeed allies and have an historical mandate to cooperate in securing the various hot spots around the globe. We must also establish a versatile, well-delineated rebuild/withdrawal plan for Iraq and share it with the American people, the Iraqis and the international community.
North Korea is looking for security and money, and are willing to blackmail us to get it. This is a tricky one, now that we are in such a confrontational situation. I would work with South Korea, China, Russia and Japan to help work out a deal with the North. While I would not sign a nonaggression pact with them, I would be more than willing to help sponsor loans from the World Bank or IMF to help them develop a stronger power grid and alternative sources of energy and even assist in the development of nuclear power as long as they consent to UN inspections. Then I would encourage the introduction of U.S. corporate investment in N. Korea, beginning the long road to capitalism and freedom that is currently being paved in China. I would also eliminate the embargo on Cuba in hopes of a similar capitalistic change there. There are many, many other issues, but I’ll stop there.
IMMIGRATION: As a resident of the Southwest and someone who lost several friends on 9/11, this is a very important issue to me. Illegal immigration is an ugly, deadly business. Selected enforcement of immigration has caused a huge increase of immigrants crossing the deserts of the American southwest. Literally hundreds have died over the past few years. In addition, the cost to the states and healthcare systems is astronomical. However, much of the industry in the Southwest and indeed increasingly throughout the nation is built upon a foundation of cheap, foreign labor. It is imperative that we develop a guest worker program that allows foreign nationals to come here and work. As long as these individuals meet certain criteria (i.e. not criminals, known terrorists etc.) they can apply for a guest worker card, get a tax I.D. number. If these individuals pay taxes, do not break any laws etc… they can apply for citizenship after 5 years. There are currently several bills being introduced that look at this issue, while none of them are perfect, I think they are on the right track. As far a student visas are concerned, I believe we should continue to issue them, but must require that these students keep in contact with in Homeland Security Department to ensure we know of their location. They are guests in our country and own us the courtesy to keep us informed of their whereabouts, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11.

EDUCATION: Repeal “No Child Left Behind” and begin to look at real alternatives to the accountability issue. Frankly, states must take a central role in education and the Federal Government should help set guidelines and ensure that minimum standards are met. I believe in an emphasis on vocational based education at the high school level. Also providing a free college education for those who serve 5 years or more in our Armed Services and financial assistance to those who volunteer for “national service”(See Domestic Issues)

DOMESTIC ISSUES: Once again, funding the numerous unfunded Federal Mandates to the states, will be a priority. The concept of Homeland Security will be addressed and properly funded, ensuring that Americans will be safe in our own country. This will also help to work as a stimulus package as new jobs are created and new money is invested towards securing America. Focus on a realistic Prescription Drug plan (much too complicated to go into detail here). Begin the process towards providing health care for all Americans that is not solely based on employment. This is not a simple task and must not result in the denigration of the quality of American health care. I would like to see an expansion of the Americorps idea, encouraging American to spend two years volunteering in schools, community programs, health care or even entering the military. These individuals could be given help paying off college loans or grants to help pay for future education. Once these individuals have “graduated” from this program, there will be a recruiting service that works to help find employment.

SPACE PROGRAM: After the completion of a detailed review of NASA, we must continue to push for the expansion of the space program. Many of our recent technological advancements have their roots in the space program and I believe a goal of putting an American on Mars and improving/redesigning the Shuttle program will help continue this trend.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-Douglas Adams
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