Originally posted by jjwinc
Just out of curiosity, what's the mark up? How much do you normally save on a big ticket item? Maybe I'll get a job there!
Hubby and my brother used to work there and the big ticket items don't have as muh markup. In fact the computers have almost no markup. It's the smaller stuff that gets the markup. The accessories and cords are way more. I just got a cable for my computers DVD drive for $2.50 at the local Radio Shack. Best Buy was charging about $15. I think the employee discount is wholesale plus 10%. I can't quite remember.
You can't usually get a full time position unless you make management. Otherwise you have to work less than 30 hours because they only offer a certain number of benefit packages. Their hours suck though if you work Merch Team. They have to work till Midnight most Saturday nights to set up everything according to the prices in the flyer that comes out in the Sunday papers. Hubby worked at two different stores and this was the same in both places. If you want a better job as far as hours pick Loss Prevention. You'll still have to work at least half your weekends but not as late Sat nights.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.