Success doesn't necessarily make anybody a sellout. Taking yourself too seriously, and believing that you were put on this planet to enlighten others does, I guess that these elitist little "indie" twerps are the real sellouts here.
Selling-out means giving up on what makes you unique - or expecting others to conform to your beliefs....but that's just my opinion, of course. The minute you start to have a "common" or "cult" mentality, you've given away the only right you truly have: the right to be yourself. Don't call it finding kindred souls or hanging with the's just becoming another one of the sheep.
Lasereth, it appears you have a fully-functioning brain sitting atop those shoulders; I, for one, am truly thrilled that you not only used it in dumping those mindless hordes but that you also were willing to share the experience with the rest of us.
Thank you.