Thanks for that info Wry1. I wish I would've caught that special. But, I don't watch TV.
Maybe I can find some info about it on their website. (BTW, I love your avatar. VTS=my hero.)
I'm not presenting this info to make anyone freak out, btw. I just thought it was very interesting. I've always been interested in the way the earth works.
I mean, it's much more likely that it will NOT happen in our lifetime. I'm almost curious as to what would happen if, in fact, it did blow sometime soon. I'm sure I'd retract that statement the second it happend, but you know what they say about the cat. :-/
I'm hoping they release some more info about it soon. I know they're busy little bees in Yellowstone, right now.
They say that the areas of Yellowstone that are closed down right now, have ground temps of 200+ degrees.