Originally posted by gonadman
Was in a sorta similiar situation once. I was at a bar drinking with some buds. A guy next to me(who was bigger than me with these sorta muscles popping out all over) must have said something really rude to the girl he was talking to(she happened to be a friend of one of my friends) so all of a sudden she says "Fuck You!" and slaps him really hard in the face. He stands up and gives her a shove that sent her over some tables. Then he looks at me and sorta gives me a smirk like"Whattya gonna do?"
What would you do?
The only sensible thing. I jumped on him, got a coupla swings in before he body slammed me to the floor and the bouncers were in right away to pull him off me. I got two cracked ribs and a black eye, but the girl's adoration and the feeling of at least trying to help her helped my own self esteem, even though he kicked my ass
I applaud you for trying to sort it out
Even if it did hurt you then at least you have that girls affections as you said. Better tactic than a cheesy chat up line.