Originally posted by almostaugust
So the main differeance between Guerillas and Terrorists is wearing a uniform?
As people have said before me, its about perspective. Freedom Fighters/ Terrorists, its just where your standing.
Rules to war? geez. I think back to the old honour code that the British military used to try and uphold. As the Spitfire crashes down through the night sky, the burned bleeding pilot crackles over the reciever "Cracking good shot Jerry. Tally Ho!". But war isnt really like that. Anyone who listens to someone who has fought, or seen or lived through it will tell you its blood, shit and tears. Its apes killing apes. Nothing less, nothing more.
Terrorists target non-combatants, further more guerilla's aren't necessarily defined by uniform, infact they almost never are it goes against the whole point of guerilla tactics. Kudos on your thoughts of war, I couldn't have said it better myself.