Ummm...I don't give a crap about the proper way to spell on the internet...I abbreviate...If I don't know how to spell a word I just type it to make it readalbe and understandable...I had some crappy English teachers in grade school...and the last 2 years of high school we just did literature writing there are a few things that I gotta learn myself...and if ppl are gonna bitch about my lack of certain knowlege in certain areas then that's just plain's not my fault that most of my English teachers didn't teach what most English teachers teach...most of the time we did literature stuff and watched movies
I know how to write...I have gotten all A's on my essays...except for this one...she's picky as hell...I don't think ANYONE passed we all had to do it typing does NOT represent how I can properly write and spell offline...I am the best when it comes to spelling...most of the time my first guess is correct...I just don't care if I get some wrong by mistake or just cause I don't know them when I type on the internet...I just make it so it's readable and understandable...I abbreviate a lot too quit pickin on me about how I type