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Old 09-24-2003, 07:10 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: who the fuck cares?
Originally posted by Mr. Moe are in college and you don't know how to write third person/present tense? Not meaning to insult or anything, I just find it interesting.
Originally posted by EeOh1
Mr. Moe makes valid points. I, for one, am not completely convinced you're in college. That's definately not an insult; I just have problems in completely believing in people I don't know without a shrivle of, eh, "evidence" to prove it.
I am not quite convinced either. And take a look at the evidence:
Originally posted by Metallica_Band
Hey...I give...I just don't give as much when I am in college and my teachers are total that essay you helped me on (which I thank you for) was given a 56...A 56!!! I was like WTF!!!! FUKING TEACHER!!! But EVERYONE got a low grade...she is the pickiest English teacher I know...luckily she let everyone redo I had to redo it and am about to write it all out AGAIN...AHHHH!!!! I just wanna smack the teacher with a chair sometimes...and you know what's even worse??? I call her house, cell, fax, school, and email her and page her but she never replies...then when I tell her about it she acts so suprised that I couldn't get ahold of I get a bad grade cause some of my questions about the essay weren't answered...I HATE HER!!! AHHHH!!!!

OK...I'm alright I think...I swear...if she doesn't give me AT LEAST a B then I'm gonna freak out in front of the whole class...cause I've ALWAYS made A's on my essays...I actually know some high up ppl in the college so I might be able to do something about's good to know and be friends with ppl higher up than the ppl you're working can control them (the ppl u work 4) in a way...that's what I did in middle school and high school...I was friends with the principle and dicipline guy and assistant prinicples and other ppl with I got ADD and that entitles me to some things that I may not really need but I take advantage of them cause it makes my life that much easier...MUHAHAHAHA...oh boy....I got off's late and I'm tired cause I've been working all day on this stoopid essay...ummm...what was I talkin about??? OH YES...I think I understand all this stuff about 3rd person and present tense stuff now...thanx...hmmm...anyone wanna write this for me??? my hand is still about to break off from writing that last essay for I injured my fingers while bowling...I think they're about to break off as takers??? Darn...well...I think I'll just start tomorrow...ummmm...after the Mid-South least it's about 400 words LESS than my last essay...last one was 900+ now it's just over 500...that'll help...well I'm gonna stop talking and press Submit Reply before think up of other stuff to type about...THANX
C'YA ?:-D
High school teachers are known for "fluffing" grades (in the end, giving better grades than deserved or grading the entire class on a curve). But beyond that, if you have no clue what 3rd person is in an essay, can't spell the words principal or discipline, and think that they really care if you have ADD in college (or in the workforce), then you need a slap of reality. Knowing "higher-ups" won't get you anywhere if you constantly go to them for every petty detail (and getting a low grade on a freshman college essay is beyond petty).

Maybe, as a thought, you should spend less time on the Internet and more time working on your assignments. (Like I said, it was just a thought.)
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