As others have stated, I find my hunnies penis to be very erotic, and I really love looking at it. He also has a very large one, which is not something I'm used to, so that adds to an extra fascination. I do not tend to find randon "peni" such as in Playgirl, to be attratcive, or able to elicit a sexual response from me, probably because I tend to have no feelings for those I am not in love with. To tell you the truth, I get more excited looking at naked women, I have no homosexual tendencies to speak of, I just think that naked women are sexual and attractive. So, depending on the man, penisis can be attractive unto themselves, but random penises attatched to random guys, nope. Sorry all you random guys out there, nothing personal. Actually, if you look really close, the male genetalia tend to be somewhat comical looking. Hee.
If your going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair. Love, Cruisergirl.