First, this forum amazes me once again, you guys should all get a pat on the back. When reading the title, i just knew this was going to end up in a flame war, like every other technical forum i visit. I then remembered this is Tilted.
As for the good old CPU wars. Intel make absolutely wonderful chips, and AMD have helped them along, by, producing absolutely fantastic chips too. I am very excited with the new 64bit chips. What it actually does is very impressive, and no one has really seen what the 64bit side of the core has to offer. The benchmarks (subjective in themself) are very impressive alone, not to mention that its handling 32bit processes, when its a 64bit cpu. If anything, this may hurry along Intels development, just like when the first Slotted Athlons hit the market.
At the end of the day, try to get the best cpu for your needs, and I am sure, you wont regret if you go AMD or Intel.
On a final note, remember one thing, this is the first generation Athlon 64's, and first gen Motherboards. Things get better with later revisions. The Intel chips/sets are getting a run for there money from AMD on revision 1 hardware. Thats GREAT for us consumers.