Blind, stinking, dark, furious, stress inducing HATE. I hate and hate and hate.
I hate my life. I hate my family. I hate my job. I hate politicians. I hate traffic. I hate people. I hate being so dorky that I think every woman falls for me. I hate being friendless. I hate you. I hate us. I hate the fact the government lies to us daily, and no one cares. I hate TV. I hate radio. I hate breathing. I hate money. I hate criminals. I hate homework. I hate food. I hate working out. I love books. I hate not having time to read the books I love. I hate humanity. I hate religion. I hate my co-workers. I hate God. I hate sex. I hate being taken for granted. I hate being teased. I hate the fact my kids have me as their father. I hate that my wife loves me so much, although I don't deserve it. I hate thinking I've wasted my life. I hate living check to check. I hate that my birth mother won't let me contact her. I hate my adoptive family for not telling me sooner. I hate my friends for abandoning me. I hate that other people hurt day to day. I hate being ignored. I hate getting the "queen wave". I hate my neighbors. I hate being a failure.
I may look attentive, but I'm taking peeks down your blouse faster than the human eye can follow.