Originally posted by K-Wise
Well as far as the sitcoms go I think people are trying. Because of Sandra Bullock I believe we have <i>The George Lopez Show</i> and we have a few black comedies as well like the Hugleys and we used to have an asian one called <i>American Girl</i> or something like that no less. They're even putting out homosexual shows as well. So television is starting to show a little diversity among the 4859621 reality based TV shows they choose to give the most airplay to instead. But yeah I feel ya.
All American Girl was cancelled for the Drew Carrey show because they characters didn't act "asian enough". The reality based shows are still lead by white people.
If there was a problem with newscast stations refusing to hire people of other ethnic groups for their newscasters I think we might hear about it when those people spoke up about the discrimination. If primarily white people apply I think it's rediculous to penalize companies for not having certain ethnic groups on their staff. You just simply find fewer ethnic groups in certain professions sometimes. I don't know if it's because they have felt intimidated or what. I know when I worked in the offices of a large factory there were primarily white people (though not completey) in the offices and mostly ethnic groups in the factory. We have a large Hmong population and that is where many of the factory employees came from. It is kind of difficult to hire a person for a factory job to talk on the phone and read papers written in English if they cannot even speak more than 10 English words. Its a matter of qualification and who wants to apply.
Actually people have spoken out about newscast but it's not publically known.
Why is it always white people in the offices? What about the qualified non white people? Why aren't they hired as much?