looking for intelligent liberals and conservatives
I’m searching for some good books that illuminate the ideas behind the current political philosophies. In today’s society of the “look at me now!” media- the political commentary scene seems to be filled with Coulter, limbaugh, press, o’reilly and micheal moore types that simply will not stand the test of time.
Where are the modern day Rousseau’s, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Machiavelli, Edmund Burke, and Plato(s)?
I appreciate the Al Frankens for at least not taking themselves seriously, however, he can’t hold a candle to the literary or political genius of say Jonathan Swift. I like listening to Larry Elder and William F. Buckley because of their sharp wit and their ability to at least listen before speaking. I enjoy reading a Russel Kirk essay, however I wouldn’t mind reading something a bit more lively. Should I look at reading something by Milton Friedman? Thanks for any suggestions.
"Remember, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen." -Homer
Unless you are the freakin Highlander, what is the point in learning how to fight with a sword?