Originally posted by YourNeverThere
How could you guys like Dave and Charla?? I mean sure, Zack was an ass, but I mean, Dave's a tool, Keith is a jackass, Charla's been useing Dave the whole bloody time, she knows he fucking loves her and she is playing him, Tara's just not very smart. Amy was the only one with an intrgraty, hooking up with Zack was stupid but she was great. The barbies are just using thier looks and being stupid, thier like the 'cool' kids at school, exclusive, and annoying. Anyway, I'm glad Dave messed up last night so badly becuase hopefully him and Charla will be gone. Hooly and Scott should win becuase Hooly is bloody hot and Scott's alright, anyway /rant.
This sounds like something the rest of the cast would have wrote hehe. I am confused on how you think Charla, Tara, Dave, and Keith are like the 'cool' kids, I totally feel like the rest of the cast were the 'cool' kids. Holly and Scott should not win because they did absolutely nothing to make it that far and had nobody against them their whole trip. I shouldn't take your post too seriously though, being that you used the words 'integrity' and 'great' to describe Amy
. You are probably one of the rare people who watched the show and thought it was cool how everybody constantly riddiculed Charla, Dave, Tara, and Keith