ECONOMY: Eliminate tax cuts passed in last 4 years. retarget some of those monies at working/middle class, with payroll tax cuts, not income taxes. balance budget as possible. try to free loanable fund for investment in infrastructure, not swallow it all with federal debt.
NATIONAL DEFENSE: Offer to cede some control over Iraq/Afganistan to the UN, in return for Blue Helmets, and reconstruction efforts. Fund as much as possible with oil revenues, trying to minimize tax burden on US.
Try to work on pay/benifits for troops...there is no reason that we need to be as short of troops as we are. it will require paying more for them, but i think it's the least we can do. paying salaries is one of the wiser investments governments make.
SOCIAL SECURITY: Investigate privitization. As it stands, it cuts the amount of private saving by an astronomical amount. Frankly, i'd ask leading economists for their advice, and then try to sell that plan as best i could.
FOREIGN POLICY: (including hotspots Iraq, N Korea, etc)
Try not to piss everybody off so damn much. Put pressure on China to patrol their own backyard. Stop micromanaging the UN with funding limits and conditions. Emphasis human rights when considering intervention in forgien affairs.
IMMIGRATION: End rewards for consular officers based on number of visas denied. Increase number of legal spots available. Explore limited amnesty programs, and acknowledge the reality of immigrant labor. Deporting them all would be a huge economic shock, making our goods even more expensive. I doubt we can improve our quality of life with strict americanism. Give workers dsiplaced by immigrant labor/exported jobs opportunities for education.
EDUCATION: Fully fund federal mandates for special ed, etc. Let teachers teach. Give college loan amnesty for those willing to teach in troubled school districts.
DOMESTIC ISSUES: Explore a health care plan not linked to emplyment available for all americans. allowing people to become self employed and not lose health care is crucial to the future of the american economy.
Support civil unions, and inclusive langauge in anti-discrimination legislation.
take no action against Roe V wade, but support programs to aviod unwanted pregnancy in the first place.
SPACE PROGRAM: Support manned and unmanned exploration. We need dreams for our kids..and we need to understand the world around us.