Heres your problem, you keep basing it on not being ethical or moral. You cant prove or disprove morality. You cant argue any of this from an ethical standpoint, as it is all relative and opinionated. Nobody can prove murder is wrong. What makes it wrong? You kill someone else and now you dont have to compete with that person. Murder is an excellent idea. Less competition leads to more resources for me. Excellent. I think im am going to murder half my town and take their money, then enjoy the rest of my life, until i think someone else should die. Not a very good example, but what is wrong with that? Why shouldn't i kill anyone, it will help me tons. Sounds like a good plan for me. "But murder is wrong". Why? What makes up ethics? Opinions. One person may totally condone murder and rape and whatnot while one person can love it. Its all a matter of opinion.
You cant argue against eating meat or animal testing with ethics because there are no fact involved. Nobody is right and nobody is wrong. Logically, you can argue one way or another. Logically, selfishness and the idea of human superiority makes sense.
I guess im still not really sure where you stand. You seem to be against the ethics of it all, yet you show how it makes sense and why we should continue. You seem against it, yet you continually claim you like it.
Im not trying to flame you, just trying to understand where you stand and what your trying to say.
You can't argue that any of this is ethical - people have tried long and hard to do it and nobody has been able to pull it off yet
I guess my point is that you cant argue it ISNT ethical either. You can rarely argue ethics with any logic or sense to back it up.