I had an old iPaq 3635 from when they first came out, I just upgraded to an iPaq 2215 (2210 is the same thing), and my girlfriend is getting jealous if that's any indication of my love for the thing. Here's the lowdown from what you say you want:
MP3s, WMAs, OGGs, they all work perfectly. Windows Media plays the first two, PocketMVP plays the 1st and 3rd. I'm not sure what the battery time is listening to MP3s off an SD card, because I've never gone below 70% from music listening even after two hours or more with Bluetooth running. The battery life in general is amazing, though, especially for a PPC. I've gone days without recharging.
It's a bummer that wi-fi isn't built in, but get a CF card off eBay for $40, don't bother buying a more expensive iPaq. Bluetooth is pretty useless, yeah, you're right. But hey, it's there. Might use it someday if I get a cell phone that supports it.
TV shows are a dream. I've got three eps of the Simpsons, a bunch of South Park and even a copy of Casablanca on my microdrive right now. Download Windows Media Encoder for free and encode to WMV using the Pocket PC setting, or use Virtualdub to convert to DivX or XVid. The video is great resolution and really smooth, and the sound is perfect. My microdrive sucks battery like nobody's business, but I can get thorugh a full two hour movie without recharging (and you can pop out the battery and put another one in if you want instead of charging). eBooks are great too, I can carry around dozens and be sure I always have something good to read.
As far as processors go, you'll need a 400 XScale if you want full screen video, if you get 200 or 300 you'll have to do half-screen. Regardless the speed you choose, MAKE SURE IT'S POCKET PC 2003! Pocket PC 2002 is really, really slow on XScale processors because it was designed when they were all on ARM processors.
By the way, the 2215 has the most beautiful screen I've ever seen. If you're on a tight budget, I've heard lots of good things about the 1945 and 1935 too, though they're less powerful definitely. Both also have gorgeous screens, though. Get a screen protector, hands down. NuShield makes a really good one.
Damnit, you got me going. Sorry. I should probably disclose that I'm a Pocket PC programmer, that's why I can wax on about them until you fall asleep.

Hope I helped. Cheers.