I've read the malleus, but i hardly see how it's relevant. It's niether a recent occurance, nor did it occur during the founding of the church. it is far from the original idenity of the church, and just as distant as to what the church is today.
The readings on Mary confirm what i previously stated. In the original traditions, Mary is a fairly minor character. John mentions her more than other, but makes erroneous statements about her according to the established Gospels. The later Gnostic traditions aren't just discounted academically because they are the work of heritics....its becuase they are late inventions, and do not reflect the original Jesus movement. Marcion and his ilk did not place any reverance on creation, something that is important to the work of the Christ protrayed in the Synoptics. I have a hard time regarding them as authentic depictions of Jesus for these reasons. If they are innacurate on that account, i place similar doubts on any picture of Mary M.
Its possible that Jesus was married. But to Mary? I see no credible evidence for this. He easily could have been widowed by the start of his public ministry...or simply left his wife behind as the disciples did.
Last edited by chavos; 09-23-2003 at 10:17 PM..