Shadow's Dreams on Final Fantasy 3. Did anyone ever see them all? Or understand them
So, Shadow's Dreams. I my self experianced many of them, but not all of them. For those of you who never had any of shadow's dreams, when he was in your party, randomly while you were sleeping, he would have one of his dreams. I think they went in order, i know they all connected.
Its been quite a while since i last played, but i recall him and a friend robbing a train, or a bank, and hiding money somewhere. Later throughout the dreams, his freind dies, and "shadow" moves to Thathmasa (sp?) where relm and strago are from. Further into the dreams, you learn about shadows lover, and she had a baby, and he ran away from town.
If you think about it, this means that Shadow is Relms Father. She was raised by her uncle, and never knew her father. I was wondering if anyone saw this the same as me, and did anyone have more dreams further on?
How much is y'all Piolkles?