Originally posted by Kurant
I'm not really sure where you got your prices from, but the Opteron 246 is almost 800 dollars. The 3.2 is no where near that. I can get it at local stores here in Alaska for 170 less then 800 bucks. No telling about pricewatch or newegg.com.
AMD 2Ghz 64 for $449
Intel 3.2 GHz P4 for $616
So make that a difference of $167. Does the Intel chip actually outperform the AMD sooo much to warrant such a larger price? Simply put, nope. Is there really a purpose to get a 64 bit chip right now.... Only if you have to have the newest shit. Maybe in about 18 months or more, but not right now. Looks like I'm gonna upgrade to an AMD 3000+ for my Christmas present to myself.