09-23-2003, 03:15 PM
#27 (permalink)
not your typical god-fearing junkie
Location: State of Confusion
Originally posted by platypus
<b>Ker-</b> is an Indo-European root word meaning "to grow". In both Latin and Greek, it also means "horn" or "head",
with derivatives referring to horned animals, horn-shaped objects, and projecting parts.
"Horn"? As in horny?
"Head"? As in... well, this one is self-explanatory.
Horn-shaped objects and Projecting parts? Erections maybe?
There appears to be a "fuck" theme at work here.
The word "cervix" is derived from ker. Although cervix literally means "neck" in Latin,
we've definitely got a "fuck" relationship established.
If we take derivations of the root <b>ker</b> and add them to "fuck", we get:
cranium - Headfuck
cerebrum - Brainfuck
cornea - Eyefuck
capricorn - Goatfuck?
All this is interesting, but it doesn't really satisfy the true meaning of "kerfucked".
For my money, the <b>ker</b> in kerfucked is a perversion of the Latin root <b>per</b>, which means "completely". Thus,
<b>Kerfucked = Completely Fucked!</b>
OK, class. Pencils down.
Well, there we have it. That settles it really.
the light that burns twice as bright
burns half as long
and you have burned so very, very brightly