These judges did find a way to limit to power of the courts and stop the judicial tyranny. They did what was legal, and more, what was right. The three wacko judges that made the original ruling were out of bounds. There was no legal justification for their ruling. THAT was purely political. Also, they deliberately took the case to those three judges because they are known for radical decisions based on nothing more than their political beliefs. An 11-0 unanimous decision speaks volumes about teh credibility of those original three judges.
I find the ACLU's comments belittling, racist, and downright rude. Just because someone has an african or latin american descent automatically makes them stupider than the rest of the population? "You are black, therefore we must stop the election because you are too stupid to vote properly." I mean really, they aren't smart enough to punch the card or hit the button on the machine? Its a wonder they can remember their own phone number

If i were not white i would be up in arms about their comments. I would be furious that they think they must speak for us because we are too stupid or think for ourselves...that we must be protected because we are too stupid to be capable of thinkin for ourselves... GRRR! just typing this i am getting pissed.
Anyway, the court made the right decision, and the only possible decision based on the facts, not political beliefs.