My views on religion in small town america
I live in small town America where we have about eight or nine churches. Most of those are protestant with one Catholic. We have a catholic school until high school. I am currently a sophomore in the local high school.
With the background information out of the way I wish to describe my situation. I am finding it nearly impossible to escape discussions about religion. I truly don’t bring up the issue of religion in discussions. However, being a small town school it doesn’t take long for people to find out your views on religion.
I am not aggressive about being atheist (I almost hate using this word because of the connotations and misconceptions that are part of the word’s baggage, In my use of it I mean only that I belong to no religion and am still deciding on my views). I have nothing against christens or any other religion. My view is that if a religion changes a person into a better member of society then that is great. I have been to church. My uncle is a Methodist minister.
I feel that I am targeted for my views. I am currently healing from a wound inflicted from someone with different beliefs then me. Whenever the discussion of religion does come up it is always as if I am insane and that my views are preposterous and not worth listening to.
Feel free to discuss what I said on this thread along with this question.
Any ideas on explaining this to family and friends set on making up my mind for me?
Before flaming me on my statements here please realize that I do have values, morals, and feelings.