Originally posted by fugue_life
On that note, I would like to say that Star Wars, yes Star Wars is the most over-rated movie series. I am aware that this will be the death of me
I think the whole fascination with Star Wars is a bit of a generational thing, as in "you had to be there".
Me as a synical 19 year old, I don't see what the big screaming deal is.
I mean, the original trilogy is so blatantly one-dimensional, I don't see how people can read all sorts of crap into it. There is nothing profound or amazing about it. And don't even get me started on the script!
It had some pretty visuals (for its time), but THATS IT.
Yes Episode I & II sucked major ass...but this news just in...so did 4,5, and 6!
Face facts, your beloved trilogy was nothing more than a six hour toy commercial.
(commence beating)