Emotions: If you can't beat them, join'em.
So, I've realized a while ago that emotions were generally bad things. They make me do stuff I don't want to do, and stop me from doing stuff I do want to do. You know, like shagging an underage girl, which was definitely a big mistake, or not asking her mother out, which I should have done but my cowardly emotions interfered.
Let's face it though, we aren't gonna beat them emotions. We're probably not even built biologically to be able to live without them. So we have to learn how to use and manipulate emotions for our own good. That's the bottom line.
And I think we do that all the time. When you're working out, it really hurts, so what you do is think about all the good things that'll come out of this, right? You're tricking your emotions. One emotion tells you, "Dude, that hurts. Just stop." So artifically you create another, stronger emotion that tell us, "Wouldn't it be cooler if you looked like Brad Pitt?" And if you're good in creating emotions, the second emotion will win, and you'll go on.
Now, what I've come to realize lately is that by being aware of this technique and planning its use more wisely, we can do some truly brilliant things. For example, I was able to create an irrational repulsive reaction to sweet drinks. One glass of cola can't do any harm. But I've made my brain immediately associate sweet drinks with ugly rotten teeth and bad breath. So now when I see a glass of cola, it repels me more than it attracts me. I bet you can do the same for smoking if you want.
Another thing is developing obsessions. Usually, obsessions are bad things. They are sort of emotions that make you do something too much, without control. But some things you do want to do more, don't you? I've built this artifical obsession that makes me wash my hands everytime I touch my cute cats. I just wasn't doing it before that. I was too lazy or too forgetful. But using this obsession, I now never forget. In fact, nothing stops me from washing my hands after touching a cat. Crazy, ain't it?
I wonder, what sort of similar stuff do you do? Share your tricks.
"Always do right - this will gratify some and astonish the rest."