I found TFP cause of Fark, but it almost sounds like there was one time when huge amounts of people came over from Fark. I don't think I'd be part of that, but I may have.
I think the exposure that Rolling Stone gave would be harmful in the end; it'd lead too many people to the site that are just around to cause other people grief.
TFP still gets newbies pretty regularly as it is, right? Some are bad, some are good... the good ones stay. The bad ones quickly seem to weed themselves out, not causing a major distrubance. TFP is a great, close community right now. If Rolling Stone "linked" to us, we'd probably get a lot of new great people, but we'd also get a ton of bad people.. degrading the quality of the board.
That's a long-winded way to say I think it'd be bad, but I can't knock it too much. I found this place from advertisement myself.
Like it's been said, mods and admins would be overloaded as well. Plus there's the bandwidth and upkeep costs. I don't know what Halx's money situation is like, but he may not be able to handle a bunch of extra traffic, even if it is primarily text.