Originally posted by Astrocloud
No, that's not really what I'm talking about. I'm talking about using dishonesty as a method of getting in someone's pants.
...That's not what I'm talking about. Attachment-free sex is fine as long as there is no deception involved.
Uh. Perhaps if you'd made that part of your main point... or even <i>any</i> point... or even mentioned the use of deception in the original post, we'd better understand what you're trying to get at and not answer a question you're not asking.
Originally posted by Astrocloud
What I'm talking about is lovers who approach you with the expressed intent of having more than one date -They fuck you, and then never call again -or they never call back. Whatever,
the reason -there was an expressed intent of another date -but there is none.
That's kind of vague, and didn't give me (or apparently most other people) the impression you were talking about deception, or really felt strongly about this. You even (and rather emphatically, might I add) said you weren't complaining. You talked more about the "casual love" and people being comfortable with it. Sorry to misunderstand your intentions.