I'd like to add that all of my friends would give up a seat for a chic. They all open car doors for them and all of that stupid bullshit. I laugh at what douche-bags they are. The funny part is girls suck that horse-shit up. All of my friends and damn near every dude I've ever known has cheated on their girlfriend or their wife. I may not move my ass for some chic that I don't know, but I do know that I'll always be 100% honest and never cheat. Now, someone tell me what's more important. I think the ultimate respect is knowing that the man you're with won't throw you a line of shit just to get laid. I've never done that. I've had my chances, but I'm not like that.
Every single girl I have ever dated has told me that I'm unlike anyone they've ever met, and all they do is try to change me into every other dork out there. Chics always tell me that I'm a challenge for them. I laugh and tell them the relationship is almost over because I won't be like other dudes. Girls fragile personalities can not handle my honesty. When I find someone who is strong and independent enough for me I'll gladly stay with them, but I don't see that happening any time soon.