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Old 09-22-2003, 10:20 AM   #17 (permalink)
Sauce Puppet
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To avoid such a problem, on nights when I go out and don't have any intent to form any sort of relationship, beyond one night stands, I wear my "I Fuck On The First Date". It's a conversation starter to begin with, and really levels the playing field. Some girls giggle and laugh, and become awful playful, others are disgusted and move on (all fine with me).

If I go on a date with a girl I'm actually interested in, well, they won't ever see or here about said shirt, until we both really get to know each other, and they might happen to come across it digging through my shirt drawer, in which I have an opportunity to explain the above. It sucks one has to use a shirt to avoid miscommunication with sex, but it hasn't let me down yet!

I think the whole double standard thing does apply to why girls act a certain way, but really don't mean however they come off to others, but everyone does this. It's the difficulty found in communicating with each other. I do feel that double standard for the opposite sexes is being broken down in today's culture, but it's still there. Just try not to let the actions of others confuse you.
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