I dunno, I just saw it over the weekend, mostly because of the recommendations of everyone here, and I thought the movie was terrible. Yeah it was a mix of The Matrix and 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 and Thx-1138 and Total Recall and I'm sure there are others but I can't think of them. The thing is that even though so many of the ideas of this film were taken from really great sources, there was nothing new that was done. There was no new spin. No new ideas, except the Gun Kata. Which they spent all of 30 seconds on.
The acting in it was really bad in some parts, and the dialogue wasn't thought out well at all. Taye Diggs(?), the black Cleric, seemed to be very happy and smiley all throughout the movie. Which in a society were emotions are outlawed I would thing that would be a criminal offense, or just bad acting. Throughout the movie everyone kept using words to describe emotions/how they were feeling. If the government was really to outlaw emotions they would, just like in 1984, outlaw the words to describe these emotions. Not to mention if everyone doped up there would be no need for these words.
Neither would there be need for the standard family unit. No mother, no father, no husbands, no wives, no sons, no daughters, etc.... So the very backstory of the movie makes no sense. How do you raise a family when your devoid of emotions? How/Why do you have a wife?
I'm not saying that there are plot holes in the movie that you could drive a double decker bus towing an 747 through, but, okay that is what I'm saying. Maybe if they'd developed more of the story it would have cleared some of this up. And that has nothing to do with how much money the film makers had, only dedication.
That and Robert the Bruce and the blind guy from Contact really bothered me.
(oh and I really like Christian Bale so I was doublely miffed)
Empire of the Sun, great movie.
Flame on.
Obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers.
We like money. Give us your money you stupid consumer whore.