Make sure you have a dedicated driver to take you to the top.
Greg! The Stop Sign!!
The guy who slagged the football team -
Those yobs were not for him -
Turns into a real estate agent
Who believes in discipline;
That guy who's the first to use cocaine,
The wild boy breaking free,
Ends up in a court of law
As a prosecuting Q.C.;
Remember the school captain? -
Success was a matter of time:
I can hear her now as she screams,
"Greg! You missed the stop sign!"
Forget Snoop Doggy Dog,
Forget ol' Ice T -
The true word out on the streets
Is produced by the T.A.C.
What good's the use of striving?
As Life's road in front unravels
We get to do the driving,
But don't choose the direction we travel.
Do your homework, or wag for weeks
And graffiti the Dandenong line:
It don't matter when you hear that scream -
"Greg! You missed the stop sign!"
Some time in the next hundred thousand years
A comet's gonna wipe out all trace of Man -
I'm banking on it coming before
My end of year exam.
The rich kid, he becomes a junkie,
The poor kid, an advertiser :
What a tragic waste of potential -
Being a junkie's not so good, either.
Your folks struggled hard for what you've got,
You are the fruit of their vine;
But who cares what you sow when what you reap
Is: "Greg! You missed the stop sign!"
Hardwired into everyone's head
Is the person they're gonna be -
Growing up is not a matter of choice,
It's a matter of wait and see.
And so kids, yeah! you can do it!
Remember to be your best!
Rage without fucking alcohol!
You can pass the test!
Girls can do anything!
I'm O.K! You're O.K! We're fine!
I thought I saw a semi-trailer!
Greg! You missed the stop sign!
There's a fine line between participation and mockery