Originally posted by filtherton
Sorry, im just sick of this STUPID CHEESE. Look what IT is doing to all the teen girls out there, getting them to EAT REUBENS with there abercrombie pop shit. Jesus. ITS whole image is just fucking retarted. I was told that IT was a EUROPEAN CHEESE a few years ago, and WAS IMPORTED, now IT puts on a KRAFT LABEL, THAT has A PICTURE OF WISCONSEN ON IT, and IS ACTUALLY MADE THERE TOO, and people notice IT.......fucking morons. I hope IT GETS MOLDY
Unhappily, if you were to kill off Avril, someone else is going to come bouncing along in almost exactly the same outfit. I see Avril as more of an effect than a cause - there's a ravenous teenage-girl market out there who are playing with their newfound feminity, and the record labels know how to give them what they want.
Pop icons reflect their times, not vice versa.
And so do cheeses.