Originally posted by holtmate
An anime forum would be a great idea! It could really help introduce casual fans, like myself, to other things that we might regularly overlook.
I must say, though, ever since I saw FLCL on Adult Swim, I have been in love with it. I only caught the first episode, and I am currently reading the manga, which is already different, but in a great way.
I am also looking forward to the Trigun manga...does anyone know when that will be released stateside?
Im not sure of exact dates Holtmate, but i know you can preorder the Trigun manga for 10.50 right now. Retail for it is going to be about 15 bucks a volume. Darkhorse is realisng it.. how odd.
gwr_gwir : I've heard about the evangaleon movie for a while now. Personally im not that excited about it. I liked the series a bit, but it's a little too complicated to be pulled off in a 2 hour block. A live action version could trim off some of the "extra" story, but the fact of the matter is.. the manga tells the store a heck of a lot better than the anime did. There is just too much to cover in such a short time span. Plus i dont know if the western world is ready to deal with minors being so deeply involved in "adult" situations.
ex: Shinji's relationship with his father, is abandomnent issues, self loathing, asuka's abandoment issues, dealing with being a child in a position of power, Rei's overall existence, etc...
any thoughts?
agentsmith: this wasn't a poll, but thanks for "voting"