And again, you are ignoring the fact that 780,000 people were displaced in the formation of the nation of israel.
You ignored this three times when I asked. Was the area of Israel empty when the future israelis showed up? What happened to the natives? They were forced out. Do you blame Indians for fighting the Americans?
Again, why have you neglected to answer me about The English's promise to give the people in the levant a homeland called Palastine? Why do you honor the English claim to Israel and not the claim to Palastine?
Why did you not denouce the Israel terrorism and Assassination as commited bey Began and his people in the fifties?
Why do you take the erronious stance that the natives of a people have no claim to a land? I am not talking about Saudi Arabia or any other country. I am talking about people that have lived in Palastine since Roman rule? Why do you discount them?
The answer to all my questions is that you dont care. To you, god has given Israel to Israelis. This is an unsuportable claim. This is a scary claim. This claim has as much vallidity to it as any other religous claim. Why is this claim to be taked seriously, but all other claims to be ignored?
Why did you not talk about the Islamic Claim that THEY are the true inheritors of Abraham. This is as valid as the Jewish claim, since neither can be backed up with any viable proof.
The bottom line is that a weathy minority is again pushing around a poor majority.
Also the fact that the average Israeli costs American taxpayers $23,000 is insane. How much does the average Dane cost us? Why am I paying for this religous conflict?
And througout all of this NOT ONE NATIVE TO PALASTINE WAS ASKED WHAT HE THOUGHT. Palastine was not a UN member so how could the UN have voted to give away any land that they didnt have any representatives to give that vote any authority. 780,000 people were forced out at gunpoint. Not one was ever asked, or paid for their land.
Jewish people can not come back to a land that they didnt own. I think the time limit is up after 2000 years dont you? Or does Rome still own France and England? The bottom line is this, invaders came and killed and forced people out. So if I find your address, can I come and kill your family and move into your place? I mean, might makes right, right?