Unforgiven winners!
Handicap Tables match for the World Tag Team Titles:
Dudley Boyz vs. La Resistance and Rob Conway.
Winners: Dudleyz after putting Rene Dupree through a table to finish the match.
Test vs. Scott Steiner
Winner: Test, after Stacy inadvertantly hit Steine with a chair, Test uses the Big Boot for the pinfall.
Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels
Winner: Orton, after using brass knuckles provided by Flair.
Gail Kim and Molly Holly vs. Lita and Trish Stratus
Winners: Lita and Trish, by pinfall when Lita used a top rope moonsault on Molly.
Shane McMahon vs. Kane (Last Man Standing)
Winner: Kane, Shane climbed the Unforgiven set (we all knew he would) and tried to dive on Kane but Kane moved. Ref started ten count, and Kane got up but Shane didn't.
Intercontinental Championship - Triple Threat
Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian
Winner: Christian retains the title after RVD goes for the Five Star Frog Splash, but Christian gets his knees (and the IC title) up and he pins RVD for the win.
RAW Annouce Team decider:
Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross vs. The Coach and Al Snow
Winners: Coach and Snow after Chris Jericho interferes and drop kicks JR in the head and rolls Coach onto JR for the pin.
World Heavyweight Title match:
Goldberg vs. Triple H
Winner: Goldberg, via Jackhammer slam and pin.
I know I didn't go through all the details but there ya have the winners at least, for those people who didn't see and might wnna check here for the results. Until we meet again. . .
"So Keep on Pretending.
Our Heavens Worth the Waiting.
Keep on Pretending.
It's Alright."
-- H.I.M., "Pretending"