Quadrette left town with one pussy and came back with two. I never have that kind of luck.
We have been planning on getting a kitten, and this weekend she found one she really liked at a friend's farm so she brought him home.
Now we just need to name him.
Check out these pics:
(the pink feathers at the bottom of this picture are for his new feather boa - he may be a gay kitty, we don't want to repress him)
He's not the most attractive sucka in the world, but he does make for a cute kitten (although aren't most kittens cute?). He's very cuddly and allows us to pet him pretty much anywhere without feeling too territorial. He took to us immediately. He's a little shell-shocked to be in a Queens apartment as opposed to a farm, but he should be fine in the next few days.
So far the only names we're really considering are:
Punkin ('cause he's orange, and because then we can call him Punk)
Shelby (although this is also a girl's name)
But he doesn't look like any of those names to me...yet.
Any idea what name fits this kitten?
(Don't suggest Shithead because I already tried that one...she didn't go for it.)