So writers need to write in someone special so a TV show is diverse? "Wait, there's not a black guy in here, we have to find one." No, that's the WRONG way to go.
No, that's not what i'm saying. The fact of the matter is that, for whatever reason, minorities are under represented in television and the movies. There's no way you can argue against that being the state of the industry, and you seem to acknowledge that in your response. How that would be remedied, or if there is even a remedy is anyone's guess.
Fuck no I won't acknowledge that. Anytime I've ever talked to someone and they say they've been pulled over, has it been of their skin color? No, it's because they were breaking the law, speeding, loud music, or not wearing a seat belt.
Maybe you've heard of racial profiling? That is the practice by police of pulling over people based on their skin color. I don't know who you talk to, but it really does happen. Why are minorities incarcerated at a greater rate than whites? Why are minorities more likely to be sentenced to death than white people for similar crimes? Why is the idea of a minority presidential candidate seem just a little less likely than hearing the phrase "President Ashton Kutcher"? Just because you won't acknowledge it doesn't mean it isn't real.
Futhermore, i've noticed that whenever "white pride" is offended the "but everyone is discriminatory" argument comes out. It is a valid argument, but it's user generally ignores the fact only the majority (political-socioeconomical, not population) has the institutions and pop culture on it's side. Minorities may discriminate too, but most cops, politicians, CEO's, and managers are white. True, minorities now have more power than ever, but that power had to be fought for, and it is still being fought for. And whatever power they have still can't hold a candle to the power white people are given in this country just for being born.
Flame on white people.