Originally posted by H12
The PS2, although I've never really played any bad games on it, has never really had any great games for it either...Grand Theft Auto is fun for a rental, but not all that solid. Gran Turismo was never my kind of game. The first SSX was pretty fun, though the second one totally lost my interest. Devil May Cry is fun to watch, though I don't enjoy playing it. I'm not a fighting game fan, though I find some entertainment in Tekken Tag, although not enough to warrent a purchase. I've repeatedly heard that Ico is and under-rated sleeper-hit, but I found it to be nothing short of bland. The Final Fantasy series is the only big series left that I can think of, and I'll say this: I loved FF7 (which was PS1, mind you, but I'll count it was PS2 since that's what I now have to play it on), but I haven't really gotten the chance to play any others enough to judge them. I played about an hour's worth of the FF that had the Blitzball-star, but I don't remember its name. Its on-line service is limited, only two controller-slots are availible, and the fact that my bro's PS2 is barely working lately are another three reasons why I feel it's the bottom of the barrel.
Those games you mentioned above are nearly on-par with Metroid Prime and Eternal Darkness, especially Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City. If you play the GTA games for what they're worth (in other words, not a rental...they are made for their plots and missions, not just driving around the city. Most people think that driving around and crashing is the point of the game, but it's not), then they are just as good as Prime. Vice City delivers one of the most incredible stories in any videogame I've played. Devil May Cry had a shit story, shit voice acting, but the funnest arcade action I've ever played. There's nothing like being able to personally make your character a badass.
SSX Tricky being a bad game? This game improved upon and slaughtered the first game in every aspect. This is another example of Electronic Arts knowing exactly how to make a game engine. The only company (person) that I've seen been able to do this is Shigeru Miyamoto with Nintendo. He seems to perfectly understand game engines. It's almost like he can simply transform his gameplay thoughts into pure code. SSX Tricky is an incredible game, especially in the trick-system aspect. I'm not sure there's any type of extreme sport game out there that even compares to this game, besides some of the Tony Hawk games. Gran Turismo does appeal to certain fans, but that doesn't mean the game isn't excellent. A majority of PS2 owners bought Gran Turismo 3, and for a damn good reason: it's the best racing simulation out there. Nothing compares. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 is a damn good game, but it's majorly arcade.
The Gamecube is easily the highest-quality of the three major consoles. And I mean technical quality, not the quality of its games. You can beat the hell out of a Gamecube and it'll still work. PS2s and XBoxs aren't so lucky. I've actually returned my PS2 AND XBox, but not my Gamecube.
All of the games that you mentioned on Gamecube are awesome and deserve a good amount of respect, but all of them can be rivaled by games on XBox and PS2.