Because of the progression of society, more and more women are feeling comfortable with expressing what's in all reality been there all along. With many women, as with many men, there is a desire to have pure, simple access to sex. People just like to get off- not everyone wants a relationship every time they orgasm.
Double-standards be damned- if the guy you're talking with is put off by the notion of attachment-free sex, then he is likely not worth having sex with in the first place. That is a closed-minded guy. And to the guys who bitch about this and spout off about disease and stuff- YOU are the reason any diseases spread when YOU (being males) don't wear condoms. If guys in general (those who don't use condoms) used the big head first, disease would not be a problem- and girls, insist that the guy does, no matter how clean he says he is... he says that to every girl, guaranteed.