Is this what you're looking for?
{td vAlign=top background="HBO Sopranos_files/main_ep39.jpg"}
{table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=545 border=0}
{td background="HBO Sopranos_files/spacer.gif"}{img height=20 alt="" src="HBO Sopranos_files/spacer.gif" width=185
What HBO did was use a table to format the page, then within the specific cell they defined the image you want as the background for that cell (ie, no right click). Then, they used a "clear" 1x1 pixel spacer to fill the cell leaving the image underneath.
To tell you the truth, its quite an elegant solution, it had me stumped for about 5 minutes. Anyways, the easiest way I got the image was to just save the page then find the image in the files folder.
Hope I've helped!
edit: damn HTML, all carrots replaced with brackets