Well, Hybrids are THE way to go for low emissions and fuel consumption at the moment. They are a little lacking in power and acceleration for now, but are the most practical application until technology progresses. I Dont see electric vehicles ever really becoming feasable. 1) Short range 2) usually, they lack some real power 3) Availaibility of recharge station 4) Recharge Time and 5)again, short range.
They are nice, and 0 emmisions is a good thing. But until electricity prices go down to dirt cheap, recharge times go down to maybe an hour or so max, and everyone has a 220v outlet hookup for strangers with an electric car, it just wont work. The infastructure isn't there yet.
Fuel cell really is the future though. They make no sense to use in todays world though. The current publicly available fuel cell technology isn't efficient enough or cheap enough. With a few years of research though, they should have decent pickup-and-go, long range, and be affordable.
Until todays infastructure catches up with tomorrows technology, there really isn't a place for a fully electric/fuel cell car. GM tried that and it bombed pretty horribly. So for the time being, hybrid technology is an unbeatable combinaiton of performance, price, practicality, and ultra low emissions.
Another problem with batteries, is even high priced rechargable ones (not just standard laptop batteries) become less and less efficient with every charge, holding slightly less than they did before. How long before your car needs new batteries. Is it going to be another 1/4 Mil?
As for the pictures, except for what they did with the rear window and back, i think the front and cab look very clean and flowing, and looks like a sportscar.
That body is BEGGING for someone to snatch it up, rework teh rear window, and drop a huge turboes v8 or Viper v10 into it
That light of a car, reasonably big wheels and suspension built for fast 0-60's and mountain roads.... Mpph! like sex on wheels with some work and good ol fossil-fuel power!