Found this today on the BB4BBQ website.
"Alison's Hometown Speaks Out
"Keep (me anonymous) as "Daddy" will sue me if he finds out. That has always been his threat whenever a newspaper article was to be printed or the pageant committee wanted to remove Alison from her title. I don't really care but obviously don't want the hassle. Was just getting tired of people thinking that this was just her game face.
Just to answer some comments in the rants, the people of Meadville and Crawford County have always known what the Irwin family is like. Most just choose to ignore it. Many are pleasant to their faces and then walk away in disgust. This is for fear of lawsuits or possibly damaged property or obtaining someone's computer password and then using to send out harassing e-mails. We are so confident we are untouchable that we feel we have the right to tell a police officer to f*** off. But Daddy always gets us out of trouble. For those that have picked up on the fact that Alison was taught her behavior from her parents, you are dead on. Mom was in charge of the cheerleading squad when Alison was Ms. Crawford County and made them go to the pageant and cheer her on, using some sort of blackmail to do so. She was removed from that position. Right now, the parents are getting a divorce, but with the extra notoriety from their TV appearance, they have been seen walking up and down a street in Meadville, holding hands and all smiles. They are also eating up all the attention from the local paper. So you see, the family isn't hurt by her behavior, they are proud of it. She's just been a chip off the old block. " - Anon"
Here is the link if you want to read more comments. I couldn't agree more!