Originally posted by debaser
1. An automatic pistol refers to one in which the action sequences through the use of energy from the cartrige, not one that fires in a full-auto mode.
2. How are you going fo move your entire body out of the line of fire before I pull a trigger? Sounds like dodging bullets to me...
3. Even if you do move out of the line of fire, where is the barrel pointing now? That buload of nuns will not be to happy with your descision to use your ninja skills when their choir is one sister short.
1. Actually, an automatic pistol is more precisely defined as a pistol which continues to fire as long as the trigger is held down. A semi automatic pistol is one that can fire without being cocked - but you still have to pull the trigger for each round.
2. Well, if you just pull your gun and shoot, I'm screwed. But then, I'm screwed in that situation whether I have a gun or martial arts training or both. If, however, you pull your gun and threaten me with it from close range (and yes, it happens, it happened to me 2 years ago) then I have two choices. A) give you my wallet. B) if I feel that you're gonna kill me no matter what, I can go for the disarm.
You're talking as though i'm gonna take a big step out of the line of fire, then reach for your gun and try to wrestle it away from you. That would be insane.
3. That's why people properly trained in actual combat-oriented martial arts also have undergone awareness training. I'm not gonna move the gun off my line and have it point at my friends/family who are with me. I'll even try to avoid the gaggle of nuns that have been following me around, but at the end of the day, if someone i'm not protecting, the attacker shot them, not me. My first concern is protecting my family/friends who are with me.
BTW, if attempting a disarm in a crowded situation, you can always perform the disarm that ends up with the pistol pointing at the attacker with your finger on the trigger
The bottom line is that there ARE ways to disarm guns. And they DO work. That guy that I mentioned that pulled the gun on my 2 years ago found himself minus one gun and held with his own gun until the cops arrived. Does that make me superman, able to dodge bullets? No. It makes me very lucky that he was stupid enough to pull his weapon close enough to me that my training enabled me to disarm him.